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Non Profit Organizations and Representation

Darryl V. Pratt, Attorney-CPA and Pratt Law Group  provide legal services to not-for-profit organizations, including 501 (c) (3)organizations, public charities, private foundations, and religious and public service organizations throughout the North Texas areas. Our  nonprofit and charitable clients have included  churches, schools, hospitals, social clubs, trade associations, and numerous other types of organizations usually organized as nonprofit organizations.

Darryl V. Pratt, Attorney-CPA and Pratt Law Group  help nonprofit clients with every important issue related to starting a non-profit organization, and securing and maintaining their tax exemptions, including organizational structure, regulatory compliance, and corporate governance issues that involve fiduciary duties and officer-director liability. Our in-depth experience with non-profit entities addresses such specialized issues as the conversion of healthcare providers from non-profit to for-profit status, the operation of for-profit subsidiaries, the application of charitable trust law, and the proper structure and responsibilities of board audit committees and the setting up of family private foundations.

There are many pitfalls in the process of establishing or starting a non-profit organization. Good legal counsel is absolutely essential for a successful tax-exempt entity. This requires a lawyer who has received detailed information from the proposed non-profit organization, along with detailed information regarding the entity’s purpose and organization. There are restrictions on the activities of tax-exempt organizations that, if violated, can lead to the revocation of the tax-exempt status.

Darryl V. Pratt, Attorney-CPA and Pratt Law Group  enjoy working with non-profit organizations and their management. We make every effort to provide knowledgeable and responsive service at a reasonable cost. Contact us for assistance with your non-profit legal needs.